Not bad for a start
This is ok. It sounds like you've used a fair amount of the FL preset sounds though, it sounds fairly similar to alot of other stuff on here to me. The little piano break is quite nice, that does make it a little different.
Your melody needs work though, it's in there, I can just about make it out but it needs to a bit more interesting in terms of phrasing and rhythm. Many of the notes come in on the half beat and a lot of the jumps are similar. You need to come up with a definite structure in this song as well, the song doesn't really lead me anywhere, it just meanders about.
I recommend thinking very carefully about where you want the song to go. Question yourself at every juncture. Does adding this part make sense? Could I do with another change of pace here? Does this build lead into anything? etc. The piano break is nice but it doesn't appear to lead into anything.
Some of your arrangement is a little confused as well. A lot of the parts are stepping on each others toes. You should focus on giving every single part a space in the mix in terms of frequency and volume. You seem to have wacked everything up really loud here so there are no dynamic changes which gets boring.
The initial idea is ok but is a little underdeveloped. Work on a more definite melody with better phrasing and think about your sections and you could have a cool little track here.
Review Request Club.